The ideal program for professional astrologers who want to dive into Vedic wisdom
Kundli Chakra is a software package that compresses millennia of astrological insight and Vedic wisdom going back as far as the ancient Indus Valley civilization to high tech modern India. The Kundli Chakra package is ideal for professional practitioners of Astrology and related forms of Vedic insight
A comprehensive tool for professional astrologers
It offers users an holistic selection of Vedic Astrological wisdom, to generate professional standard reports and swift, concise analyses and predictive Horoscopes of clients and others seeking after esoteric wisdom dispensed in a professional, organized manner. It is useful for Astrologers of all levels, whether one is a beginner, a student or researcher or a seasoned professional, this package is designed to meet every need.
The Kundli Chakra package frees users from endless scrolling through pages, squandering precious research time trawling through reports, carrying USB keys or external hard drives, looking for specific charts and graphs while analyzing horoscopes and exploring dasha while clicking “next” ad nauseam. Many features in the software like worksheets, utilities and tools are developed on the back of research into the professional standards of an Astrologer, enabling you to unleash your predictive powers and freeing you up to concentrate more on the analysis of charts for swift, accurate accurate horoscope interpretation, with just a click. The interface and free flowing design of Kundli Chakra has a clear focus on quickly accessible charts and to study in a single pop up screen. Thus a user with little or no specialized IT acumen can easily utilize this software and enjoy a professional service.
Predictions based on analysis
The Horoscope function offers the planet position, detailed birth details, a moon & Navamsa Charting, specific Chalit Charat, Sudarshan Chakra readings, Shodash Varga and aspects of planets. Numerology also features heavily with predictions (finances, personal character, profession, holistic health, Marriage and relationships, auspicious days, lucky jewels, stones and colors. Users can also make full use of specially crafted worksheets focusing on transit. It also features transit graphs ideal for financial astrology purposes and detailed Transit Wheels with key aspects like Nakshtra, Charan and Rashan. On the transit wheel one can also select aspects to show with a full color option and examine a detailed study of one’s Birth & Transit planets on the Chart Wheel, with a zooming function included to observe each planet and its specific aspects very clearly. This is a bespoke Chart wheel, crafted after detailed analysis, to enable astrologers quickly study planetary movements and make predictions based on the analysis.
A Swiss knife for astrology
To sum up, Kundli Chakra comprises an excellent suite of tools that can be utilized for the analysis of the diverse and multiple aspects of the vast field of astrology. Although it may take less experienced users a while to get used to using this tool, its plethora of highly advanced features should meet the needs of seasoned and experienced users