Calendar Notes APK

by AsyncByte Software for Android 9.0

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Calendar Notes: A Simple and Efficient Note-Taking App

Calendar Notes, developed by AsyncByte Software, is a free note-taking app that allows you to save your ideas and notes in a calendar date form.

The app has a beautiful and straightforward interface, making it easy to use without specific requirements. You can add notes, ideas, personal agendas, and diary entries to the calendar. It has a perpetual calendar; you can swipe left and right to change the month. You can also change the year by swiping left or right in the month view.

One of the most notable features of Calendar Notes is that you can manually back up your notes into your email or online storage without needing to log in. The app is optimized and uses the latest Android design guide and library. Its small APK size makes it easy to download and use on your device.

Overall, Calendar Notes is an excellent note-taking app for those who prefer a simple and efficient way to keep track of their ideas and notes. With this app, you won’t have to worry about losing your ideas. Write them down with ease and keep them organized with Calendar Notes.