Times Reader

by Bharti Airtel Ltd for Windows XP

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Try the New York Times’ new desktop application

If an e-reader is a gadget too far for you, but you like the idea of reading an electronic newspaper in its intended format, The New York Times TimesReader may be an answer.

Times Reader 2.0 is an Adobe Air based program that downloads The New York Times as it’s published over the day, and has the look of the paper version. It’s designed especially with subscribers in mind, so if you don’t pay then the content is limited, but is still attractive.

On the left of the interface are the contents menu, and a search bar. The majority of the window is set aside for the paper itself, which has the same font and general appearance of the newspaper. It’s much easier on the eye than most websites, and is organized in pages the size of the window. No more scrolling through articles, web style.

Much of the content is locked to non subscribers, but the front page, video, crossword, latest news, business and most emailed are available. While all of the content is available from the website, Times Reader is undoubtedly more attractive, and more humanely organized. If you grew up with paper editions, you’ll no doubt appreciate Times Reader, though whether young readers will be interested remains to be seen.

Times Reader is a neat application, which sets a high standard for newspaper desktop readers.