Private screenshot app

by Crimson App Labs for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by Crimson App Labs.

In the modern world, we are surrounded with so many devices and so many ways to connect with them. With all these devices, we are also expected to be able to send images and videos to each other. But, sending images and videos has its own problems and we have to solve them. Sending images and videos to other people can be really frustrating, because you never know what they are going to do with them. You can send them, but it is not guaranteed that they are going to send you their device back. And if they do, it is not guaranteed that they are going to send it back in the same condition it was in. This is where our app comes into the picture.

With our app, you can send us a screenshot and we will take care of it. Our app will save the screenshot in a folder that you can easily find. All your screenshots are saved in the private screenshot folder and we do not have access to any of your files. The main reason why we are doing this is that we do not want to have access to your device or your files.