Jump, dodge, and collect nuts
Noogra Nuts is an addictive arcade game where players collect nuts while dodging obstacles.
You play as a squirrel collecting nuts in Noogra Nuts. The controls are simple. If you have a tablet with an accelerometer, tilt the device to move left or right. Tap on the screen to jump. If you’re playing with a keyboard, move with the arrows and use space to jump.
The levels in Noogra Nuts are dynamic and change constantly. The fun comes with trying to juggle multiple nuts in the air at once. Juggling more nuts yields a higher combination score. There are three different modes in Noogra Nuts: Classic, Jungle, and Survival. Classic is the easiest, giving you 2 minutes to collect as many nuts as possible. Jungle introduces boulders and rotten nuts that you have to avoid. Survival is the most difficult game mode in Noogra Nuts. You have to dodge tumble weeds and rocks falling from the sky.
While Noogra Nuts can be fun and addictive, the gameplay doesn’t provide enough variation to keep things interesting. After a short session, Noogra Nuts will begin to bore. It would be more interesting if the developers introduced some power ups.
Overall, Noogra Nuts is a fun game but its lack of gameplay variation can bore.