Screen Mirroring Cast to Tv

by Ammo Studio Apps for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Ammo Studio Apps.

You can stream your Android phone’s screen to a TV with a simple, easy-to-use app. You don’t need to install anything on your TV or connect any wires.

To stream, select the TV you want to connect to and click the Connect button. You’ll see a small icon appear on the screen. Tap it to start streaming.

There are two ways to stream:

The first way is when the app is open. You’ll see the phone appear on the TV screen. Just tap the share button and it’s ready to stream.

The second way is when the app is closed. You’ll see a notification appear on the TV screen.

You can pause or resume the stream by tapping the pause or resume button on the app. You can also change the resolution of the screen.

To stop streaming, tap the stop button on the app.

When you’re finished, just click the disconnect button to disconnect from the TV. The app will close and you’ll be able to use your phone again.

To connect another phone to your TV, you’ll need to start the stream again. You can also disconnect a phone from your TV.