CardioVisual: Heart Health

by MedicalVisual Inc for iOS 12.1.2

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CardioVisual App – A Quick and Convenient Way to Learn More About Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes

When it comes to helping patients and healthcare providers manage heart disease, diabetes, and general wellness, CardioVisual is one of the most trusted sources of accurate information. From prevention to advanced treatments, the CardioVisual app makes it easy for patients to get a full understanding of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and stay well. For clinicians, it’s easy to use and it allows them to show or share videos with patients from their mobile devices.

The CardioVisual app is loaded with trusted content from leading medical experts.

For patients, it provides a quick and simplified way to learn more about the condition, and it helps them to take a proactive approach to their health and wellness. They can be better informed to make smarter health decisions.

And for clinicians, it’s a quick and convenient way to show or share videos with patients from their mobile devices. They can use it to demonstrate treatment options, answer patient questions, and share educational videos with their patients.