Dinosaur Helicopter Kids Games

by Yateland Limited for

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Dinosaur Helicopter Kids Games for iPhone from Yateland Limited

Dinosaur Helicopter Kids Games is an exciting search and rescue adventure game for kids and toddlers where they will take on the role of a helicopter pilot who needs to rescue their dinosaur friends. In the game, they will be assigned to different search and rescue missions, where they will come across different obstacles such as floods, earthquakes and tornadoes. They will also have to make sure that they have the right equipment and that their helicopter is well-stocked with bombs.

There are 12 different types of helicopters to choose from, such as military, UFO, commercial, small, cargo, and sports helicopters. They will have to use their helicopter to reach their destination. It is up to them to discover the different obstacles and the different locations that they will need to travel to. It is very important that they are equipped with the right tools and equipment to ensure they can complete the mission.

On their journey, they will come across more than 30 different challenges. They will need to use their intuition and sense of sight, hearing, and smell to reach their destination. They will also be able to eliminate obstacles such as thunderclouds, lightning, floodwaters, tornadoes, and even volcanoes.

This game will help the kids develop their logic skills, and they will have a lot of fun while doing this.