by SEGA for Windows 10

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Own a gaming PC? Then this version of Total War was built for you!

Fans of the Total War series will know that the series has had its ups and downs, from the epic Medieval Total War 2, to the hard-to-see Total War Empires. Total War: Warhammer gives you all the features you love, with a dramatically improved graphics standard, and a whole new world to explore. It is a blending of the mythical with the Total War premise.

The Campaign And Battle Field elements still exist

Watch the trailer with the knights on horseback, and you will remember why you loved these games. Unlike the others, the graphics are massively improved, so you will need a gaming computer. The first thing you will recognize from Total War: Warhammer is the battle scenes. The graphics are amazing, but you will also recognize the fighting format when you see the legions of fighters clashing on the field. As with all of the Total War games, this is only half the story; you’ll also remember all the usual favorites, from territories to conquer to managing your money on the micro level. The campaign side is still turn based, and you still have to conquer, destroy, build and grow in order to survive. The battle map is still a tactical landscape where there are now more determining factors. No longer may the army atop the hill dominate the game, as there are flying units, ultra-strong units, and powerful projectile units that can smash the ranks of the would-be winners. The political and economical side is still a strong game element, which means a politically- or financially-minded person may still dominate over the expansive and aggressive players.

New features that add further depth

The campaign map still has diplomacy, building, and special units, along with almost all the elements that other Total War games had. The big difference on the campaign map (besides the graphics and design) is the fact that units can level up. You may have improved your leading units in other games, but the more you level up your leading units in Total War: Warhammer, the more magical and practical abilities they may use. Just like the other games, you may use your leading units in battle for an extra advantage. One could liken the leading units to the generals from the other games, but how often have you taken a saboteur or wizard into battle in the old games? You may also put more thought into how you will damage your opponents on the campaign map, with clever acquisitions, tactical invasions, and diplomatic deals.

Some of the graphics are fantastic

The graphics within Total War: Warhammer are better than modern console standards, which is why the game needs 3GB of RAM and at least a 3 GHz duel core. The campaign map is intricately detailed, and the battle maps offer very smooth game play, which could have been a problem considering all the units and effects that have to go off simultaneously. The only downside is the character rendering/design. Some of the creatures and race leaders look a little like toys, especially the green skins and vampires. Nevertheless, the depth and quality of the battlefield and campaign graphics are fantastic. The detail, the texturing, and the real-time effects are beyond comparison. As you will see by the Steam reviewers, you are going to lose hundreds of hours of your life to this game, but it wouldn’t be Total War if you didn’t. This is not an explosive game for casual users; it is an in-depth strategy game that commands your full attention and concentration. This is one of the few Total War games where you can win using just diplomacy, instead of having another race turn on you for no reason. Build an intricate tapestry where you balance power, wealth and diplomacy as you sculpt your empire from the bones of your enemies.