Skyrim Underground SSE Mod

by AncientKane for Windows 10

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Skirmish Mod – The Elder Scrolls: Special Edition Game Mod Review

Among the many mods out there, a new one that just hit the scene is the Skyrim Underground SSE. This new mod actually took a lot of what made The Wizardry mod so popular and made it even better. One of the best parts of this mod is the fact that it adds in a whole new game system based on player exploration and experience instead of the linearity of The Wizardry mod. Not only does this new system allow for more customizable combat and questing but it also allows for a much bigger world to explore and experience. It is definitely one of the best mods for The Elder Scrolls: Special Edition.

The mod also takes advantage of the built in Skribe talent system, allowing players to actually get a character to do things for them. For example, if you had a character that was not powerful, you could actually train them up so that they are able to perform certain quests or go after tougher monsters or creatures. This makes this game much more interesting because you can really feel like you have a significant role in your own gameplay experience. If you are interested in playing a more vanilla type of game, then this is definitely the mod for you.

The downside to this mod is that it requires a bit of work on the part of the user. In order to get the system made, you will need to visit the official website and download the installer that can be found there. From there, all you have to do is follow the prompts and you will have your very own copy of The Elder Scrolls: Special Edition in your hands in about a minute. This mod is still in its early stages of development but is already showing great promise. The Skyrim Underground SSE will most certainly become one of the most popular mods ever made for The Elder Scrolls: Special Edition and could very well push it over the top as one of the biggest mods ever.