Loot Menu for FNV Mod

by Gribbleshnibit8 for Windows 10

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Loot Menu for FNV – The One Essential Mod For All Players of NV

Here is a new mod created by me (Gribbleshnibit8) called Loot Menu for FNV which adds new features and loot options to the game. I have tested this out on my end and it does work as intended, though if you are going to use it, make sure you know about all the side effects that come with using the Loot Menu. That’s all I am going to say about that. Some of the side effects included in the mod include having your character turn hostile, getting addicted to drugs and having your skills lowered permanently. That’s why I am not revealing any more details as I am sure if you want to know more, you can check out the links at the bottom of this page.

This mod is great for players who like to take part in player vs. player combat where you really need your skill to out smart your opponent and sneak around with minimal or no casualties at all. But if you don’t like that, then this mod is not for you, because it will just add more stuff that you will have to do. I myself don’t like to take part in player vs. player combat, so I don’t use the boot menu that much. The one advantage I do have with this is that I get a nice surprise every now and then when I walk into a room where there might be enemy lurking waiting to ambush me. They aren’t too common but they do appear quite often so it is nice to experience them.

This is my second post in the series of Loot Menu for FNV. In the first one I talked about what I love about this game and why I think this is a great mod for everyone who loves the game and also wants to experience all the best features of the game has to offer. In the second post I talked about the leveling and itemization system that is built into this mod. Today I will talk about the loot menu. If you are interested in this particular topic, please check out the first of my articles on this topic for more information.