Gang Beasts Warriors APK

by samarkopom for Android 4.3

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Free beat ’em up game

Gang Beast Warriors is a mobile action game created by samarkopom. It is a physics-based multiplayer beat ’em up game, wherein you take control of a gelatinous character and fight others in various hazardous environments. The goal is to become the last man-ish standing. Doing so will earn you the round’s winning point. The game is free to download and pits you with other players online. Be warned, however, of the game’s rather slow loading times.

What is Gang Beasts Warriors?

Gang Beasts Warriors features simple gameplay rules to ensure a good party game experience. It will have you control a gelatinous blob of human-ish jelly. The goal is to knock the competitors before throwing them to their demise in any way possible. You can throw or drop them off the map or even push them into a fire pit for a sure kill. There are various hazardous environments in the game and are available at your disposal.

However, to do this, you need to master the controls of the game first. On your screen are bumpers that control your hands. These bumpers correspond to your hands. Tapping each one will result in a punch from the associated hand. Meanwhile, holding the bumper lets you grip whatever you are next to, be it a wall, a sign, or even the other player’s head. These are fairly simple controls that you’ll get used to quickly.

Gang Beasts Warriors is very much like the game Human: Fall Flat, from its character design to its gameplay. Sadly, unlike the above-mentioned game, this game’s gameplay is multiplayer-based and needs other players to be able to start playing. There is no solo campaign available here where you can just spar with AI enemies. With this, you will be stuck to a connecting page until the game finds other players to match you up with.

Is the game worth downloading?

If you like playing multiplayer fighting games, then Gang Beasts Warriors is the game for you. It comes with a simple yet comical premise that you will like. However, it relies heavily on the presence of online players to play. Worse, there are very few online players available, so you are stuck waiting for a long time. It would be better if there is a solo mode or even a tutorial where you can experience the fun.