Talking Putin: Machete APK

by Anuloid Games for Android 9.0

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Help Machete-Putin to destroy all terrorists.

You should think about installing this app called Putin 2022 if you want to replicate or experience the life of the Russian president. Putin 2022 enables you to make wise choices, particularly by eliminating terrorists, launching attacks, forcing the president to address the nation, and other things. Because of its amazing UI, clear illustrations, and attractive images, this application is awesome to use. Therefore, you should certainly download this program to your preferred device so that you can start enjoying and exploring its features whenever you want, whether with friends or by yourself. If you wish to explore these capabilities and experience its benefits.

Help Machete-Putin to destroy all terrorists.

Putin’s machete as sharp as his mind and as pure as his skills of destroying terrorists.


– Talk to Putin.

– Putin dances Kalinka.

– Taking part in Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

– Putin kills terrorists in toilet.

– Putin hits the nuclear button and hides it under the table.

Really interesting on go game, with several gun mini games integrates. Collect coins to unlock features Putin can take part in Olympic games in Sochi, as well as hit the Red Button.