Telugu To English Translator

by Apps Diary for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Apps Diary.

Telugu To English Translator is an easy-to-use app for translating Telugu to English and English to Telugu.

This app provides a fast, accurate, and simple translation. The app is very easy to use, with a simple interface and a wide range of options. You can select a word, sentence, or whole text to translate, and the app will translate it to English or Telugu, as you choose. You can also use the speech-to-text option to translate your voice into either language.

The app has a history and favorite option, so you can save and translate your previous translations. 

You can copy and share the translated text to your friends and family members on any messaging, chatting, and social media application.

You can also use this app as a dictionary for Telugu To English dictionary and English To Telugu dictionary.