Formula Retro Racing

by Repixel8 for Windows 10

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Formula Retro Racing is a racing game that combines the thrills of Formula 1 with heavily stylized graphics. Try your hand at a series of polygonal courses, competing in single-player or multiplayer modes, and try to win the top prize.

Many rival Formula 1 racing games, like Formula Car Racing Simulator mobile No 1 Race game and F1™ 2017, strive to look up-to-date and realistic. Formula Retro Racing is different: the whole point is to act as a throwback to a past era of gaming.

Replicating the low-polygon experience

Anyone who played arcade racing games in the early nineties should feel at home with Formula Retro Racing. The game emulates the low-polygon aesthetics of the era, with cars and the surroundings made up largely of blocky, textureless shapes. Even the soundtrack taps into the retro experience. However, the visuals are also given an HD, 60fps sheen.

Eight tracks, multiplayer, and destruction physics

Behind the graphics, Formula Retro Racing offers a total of eight different tracks. You can take part in a multiplayer game mode with up to four players in all. The game’s physics ensures that the cars can be smashed to pieces if they crash. This means that you will need to keep an eye out for sharp turns.

Has some flaws

The gameplay in Formula Retro Racing has its shortcomings. One issue is its collision detection: it’s too easy for a minor scrape against scenery to do your car serious damage. Another flaw is that there is no practical difference between the cars beyond their appearances.

Simple fun for retro fans

Despite its flaws, Formula Retro Racing succeeds in its goal of replicating arcade racing of the nineties. Anyone with fond memories of this period will be transported back in time by the low-polygon visuals, while the smooth framerate provides a graphical update.