m5Studio Codec

by M5studio for Windows 2003

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Codec package fro reproducing audio and video

There’s nothing more annoying than downloading or ripping a film and then reaslising you don’t have th right codecs to play it.

Or worse, the codecs that you have are corrupt and don’t playback properly. If you’ve found yourself in this situation then m5Studio Codec is a neat little package which brings together most of the most important codecs you’ll need. m5Studio Codec includes all the major codecs you’ll need to make sure that you’ll never have problems playing a film again.

Among the codecs included in m5Studio Codec are DivX or XviD, Ogg Vorbis or Cinepak or AC3 plus some some lesser known ones such as CoreAVC and Fraunhoffer IIS. Installation is simply a matter of double clicking EXE file and you’ve got a few configuration controls to control exactly how you want the codecs to perform.

m5Studio Codec is a useful codec package that will be able to playback most of the major formats that you can download or rip films to.

DivX 6.8.4AC3Filter 1.51aCoreAVC® Video Codec 1.1.3


  • DivX 6.8.4AC3Filter 1.51aCoreAVC® Video Codec 1.1.3