Cities in Motion

by Paradox Interactive for Windows Vista

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Create and run mass public transport systems

Cities in Motion is a strategy sim that puts you in charge of creating and running mass public transport systems for Vienna, Helsinki, Berlin and Amsterdam.

In Cities in Motion you begin with a city full of automobiles, and have to design ways to clear up the city using buses, trams, subways and even water taxis and helicopters! There is an extensive tutorial to get you used to the basics of creating lines, stops and buying vehicles.

Once a transport line is activated, the population starts to use it, and you can see how successful it is. You have to consider where people want to go and from where. Inhabitants satisfaction can easily be seen, and you’ll know you’re not providing enough if there’s an angry crowd waiting at a bus stop!

Cities in Motion requires some patience to get to grips with it. The tutorial is text heavy, and could be better explained. The menu system is fine once you’re used to it, but it’s not really intuitive. If you can get past this, and you enjoy the idea, Cities in Motion is really engaging. Watching a city moving efficiently through your transport designs is satisfying, and little things like each citizen being named give the game some character.

Cities in Motion could be more accessible, but it’s a well made and fun public transport sim nonetheless.