UK Bus Checker

by UrbanThings for Android 13.0

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UK Bus Checker: Real-Time Bus Information and Mobile Tickets

UK Bus Checker is a free Android app developed by UrbanThings. It is a comprehensive app that allows you to plan journeys, see real-time bus information, and buy mobile tickets for buses all across Great Britain. The app is not only limited to buses but also supports train, tram, underground, ferry, and more.

With UK Bus Checker, you can search for map locations and bus stops, plan your journey, and see when the buses are coming, how busy they are, and where they’re going. The app provides you with everything you need to get from A to B with ease, making it the most popular independent bus times app in the UK.

One of the unique features of this app is that it allows you to send an invite to your local bus operator if their tickets are missing. This feature is easy to use and requires just one tap. Experience the convenience of UK Bus Checker today and never be left waiting at a bus stop again.