Diabetes የስኳር ህመም መረጃ

by OromNet Software and Application Development for Android 13.0

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Diabetes የስኳር ህመም መረጃ – A Comprehensive Guide to Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes የስኳር ህመም መረጃ is a free Android app developed by OROMNET Software and Application Development PLC. The app is designed to provide basic information about diabetes mellitus in Amharic, which is the official language of Ethiopia. The app is categorized under “Lifestyle” and “Health & Fitness” subcategory.

The app provides a comprehensive guide to diabetes mellitus in Amharic, including topics such as types of diabetes, symptoms, causes, complications, management, and prevention. The app contains 40 frequently asked questions related to diabetes, as well as information on diet and exercise. The app is updated regularly to add more information and to enhance performance using the latest Android features.