Upload 2000

by Upload2000 for Windows 95

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Store and share files using a Webmail account

Sharing your music, pictures, videos and documents with pals used to be a very arduous task. You’d have to copy everything onto a floppy or CD, get on your bike and travel to their house and present it to them. Thanks to growing Internet speeds and more hosting sizes it’s now so much easier to get these files to your friends. Upload 2000 Turbo respresents a good example of how file sharing technology has evolved.

The application lets you take advantage of unlimited mail server space to share files via P2P. Because Upload 2000 splits the files into smaller chunks, the data transmission takes place very quickly, though the speed also depends on the server you’re using. The program is different to normal P2P solutions, and it doesn’t contain a search feature. As a result you can only really share files and folders with people you know, but this is not necessarily a bad thing because it means downloading files is much quicker.

If you want to take advantage of unlimited server space to exchange files quickly with your friends and family, Upload 2000 provides a simple, yet comprehensive solution.

Upload 2000 is a powerful, fast, and easy-to-use email experimental tool, which lets you store and share files on any mail account. Upload 2000 splits the file you want to share/store and sends the file segments one by one to your account, then it merges the segments back to the original file when the file is downloaded.

It uses a multi-thread mechanism and P2P technology to make downloading files much faster. You can upload file by web browser or independent software, and a simple download link is generated after the file is uploaded. You can send the download link to your friends.