Firefox Universal Uploader (FireUploader)

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Upload files from Firefox using a friendly interface

This Firefox extension is especially useful for all those heavy file uploaders who like to publish videos and pictures to web sites like Picasa, Youtube, Flickr and others. With FireUploader you can manage these file transfers from a single window, in a Explorer style environment.

FireUploader is particularly convenient when uploading lots of material, although you’ll probably want to visit the target website anyway to review your pictures or videos. Uploading was correct but we did get some error messages when trying to delete files. Also, if you enter a wrong password you don’t receive any warning, which can be quite confusing.

You can open the extension by clicking on the bottom right button, but if you open it from the Tools – FireUploader menu you’ll get the program’s interface integrated into a new tab with a much more complete and user-friendly appearance.

Introduced a “new” panel approach for uploading/downloading to a website (beta) Added support for downloading files in Google DocsFixed bugs while uploading to Youtube and FlickrFixed issues when uploading videos with special characters to Youtube and Flickr.


  • Introduced a “new” panel approach for uploading/downloading to a website (beta) Added support for downloading files in Google DocsFixed bugs while uploading to Youtube and FlickrFixed issues when uploading videos with special characters to Youtube and Flickr.

As the name says, this Firefox extension allows you to upload/download files from any website using a friendly interface. In this version, (1GB of free space), Flickr (photo viewing/sharing), Picasa (photo viewing/sharing), Youtube(Vidoes) are supported. You can upload videos to Youtube, upload/download/organize photos to Picasa, Flickr and

The benefits of using this extension are

  • You can upload any number of files at a time
  • It shows the local folders and remote folders which enables you to upload files by single click
  • You can upload files to multiple websites using a single interface (using only one extension)
  • Ability to add multiple accounts and upload files to each account independently