GitZip for github

by Kino Lien for

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GitZip for Github – ZIP File Downloader

GitZip for github is an add-on for GitHub which can make the sub-directories and files of Github repository as zip and download it.

You can use this Chrome extension by browsing any Github repository page. Click the GitZip button in the right panel. Two ways to download:

The first is you can double-click the items or check the checkbox on the front of the items. Click the download button at the bottom-right of the page.

The second is you can right-click on the items and select Download.

The purpose of this extension is that it can compress and download all the items as one zip file, not a list of files. Second is that it can download the items in the selected folder or in the current folder and it can handle the dark mode and light mode.

To get a token, you have to click the GitZip extension icon on your browser. Then, you click the Normal or Private link beside the Get Token link. After, you need to authorize GitZip permission on Github auth page and back to the repo page automatically for continuous usage.

In options page, you can change settings for item selection behavior and theme.

About GA usage:

We are unable to collect any other information about your account except for the events generated by this extension.