Trim: IMDB Ratings on Netflix and Prime Video

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View the Ratings for Shows on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, and PeacockTV

This is an app that lets you see the IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic ratings on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Hulu, AppleTV, and PeacockTV.


Search for a movie or show by name and get information like the star rating, the genre, and the location. You can also see a list of movies and shows with the most number of votes.

Rotten Tomatoes:

If you want to see how a movie or show is rated, you can find out by using this app. You can search for a movie or show by name and get information like the star rating, the genre, and the location.


This app will let you see the movie or show’s rating on Metacritic.

This is a useful app for those who want to know more about the movie or show they want to see.