Disable Colorgrading LUT

by Remoe for

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A free mod for Monster Hunter Rise, by Remoe.

If you’re playing Monster Hunter: Rise of the Hunter and you want to disable the color grading, this is the best way to do it. It replaces every LUT in the game files with a neutral one.

A LUT (Lookup Table) is a way to save a set of colors and use them in a different way. It’s like a palette. The idea is that you’re saving the colors in a form that you can later use.

It’s not a modification. It’s an addition. The game will load and run without the LUT.

This is not the same as disabling the filter in the game. It actually removes the LUTs from the game files.

It works for every map. You can disable the color grading on specific maps or areas by deleting the mod file associated with them.

It’s based on the mod called “Disable Colorgrading LUT”.