Web Forum Reader

by Chemtable for Windows XP

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Keep track of your favourite forums

If you’re always contributing to forums then it’s hard to keep track of the latest threads and debates. Web Forum Reader aims to help you to keep up to date with the latest scribblings on your favourite forums and message boards.

The good thing is, this is very easy to use. You can easily add your favourite forums to Web Forum Reader without having to load them in your browser. It then saves you time by showing new and updated topics while hiding topics you have already read. Web Forum Reader will also reduce the amount of data you download compared to regular reading using a browser. You simply use Web Forum Reader’s Resource Addition Wizard to add Internet forums and conferences and it takes you through the whole process.

There are many good reasons to use this program if you’re a frequent forum user. It’s convenient – you can mark new topics, recently updated topics, and topics that you have already read. It’s flexible because you can add all types of forums and Internet conferences.You can reduce data downloads and save on bandwidth costs not to mention time and effort in tracking forums.

There’s not much to fault with this program other than the interface is not particularly special but at the end of the day, it does it’s job and it does it very well.

Web Forum Reader is a uniquely designed for reading Internet forums and conferences. You can easily add your favorite forums to Web Forum Reader to stay informed about updates and changes on these forums without loading them in your browser.

Web Forum Reader saves you time by showing new and updated topics while hiding topics you have already read.