Just VR Slingshot Target Practice

by Shorebound Studios for Windows 10

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No Frills Slingshot Fun

There’s no backstory, no narrative, just you and your virtual reality slingshot. Take on an endless parade of glass jars with your trusty weapon for no particular reason other than it’s fun.

It is what it is

Just VR Slingshot Target Practice doesn’t pretend to be anything more than it is. The game gives you a slingshot with unlimited ammo and just as many targets to shoot that ammo at. There are online leaderboards to give you something to strive for, but ultimately the point of the game is simply to have fun firing a slingshot. The art style is a low poly flat shaded affair, but done well so it gives off a very stylish vibe. The physics feel good, the slingshot is solid and reliable. Just VR Slingshot Target Practice aimed to do one thing, and the developers have clearly taken their time to make sure that one thing works well.

One Trick Pony but Fun

The game is solid, but there really is nothing more to it than the joy of firing a virtual reality slingshot. There’s no real endgame, no progression. None of which is necessary a problem, just know what you’re getting. Fortunately, you won’t break the bank if you decide to try this one out, as it has a very low price point.