There’s this girl

by Angela He for Windows 10

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Free indie game about love and the stars

There’s this girl is a short and simple interactive visual novel video game wherein you experience the love story between two girls. Created by Angela He, there’s this girl is completely told through pictures and animation. There is no text during the story and your constant companion is the selected soundtrack that fits with each chapter. However, don’t let its simplicity fool you, as this Stanford Fall Game Jam 2018 entry has beautiful graphics and interactivity animation that the short journey feels more like a personal adventure. The developer also gives out 24 cute wallpapers if you support her and donate.

We are lost stars

With there’s this girl, you can easily play it on its own website page, but what’s great about it is that you can also play it on your phone—which gives the interactivity so much more meaning to your swiping. there’s this girl is super short and can be completed within 10 to 20 minutes. Since there’s no text and you’re mostly just watching events unfold, it’s pretty easy to absorb. However, the shortness of it says a lot about the theme of its story. 

there’s this girl is about a female college student finding love and going through the different stages of relationships. There are only five chapters but the gorgeous hand-drawn art that’s been mixed with cool animations just fits the overall atmosphere that the game is trying to portray with the verbal silence of the characters and the dominance of the music. 

It can be categorized as a role-playing game—except it’s more on the lines of you being an observer rather than an active participant that changes anything. There’s only a single choice question to make by the end of the story but while it gives two possible endings, there’s no reward for it—not even an ending CG. If you want something to immerse yourself in, this is a good title for you. If you’re looking for more control, however, then this is not the one. Nevertheless, it’s a nice indie game.