Serial Cloner

by Serial Basics for Windows 8

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Read and write DNA strands

DNA is the complex code that makes up the lifeform in all of us. Until now, it reading and writing it was a very specialised field but this program intends to bring it to the masses.

Serial Cloner is an application that allows you to read and write files DNA sequences that conform to the FASTA and pDRAW32 format. It is therefore an extremely powerful piece of software that will only be of interests to scientists and science-biology students. The program includes a whole host of mapping options such as genetic maps, fragment viewers and a virtual PCR. All the tools you need to analyze and manipulate your DNA sequences are available in a very simple and easy to read all-in-one-window. You can numerically select fragments and carry out calculations of peptides which I have no idea about but certainly look impressive. Obviously, the main aim of the program is to provide an easy way to clone DNA – a task which it does very well and mainly just using a graphical interface. Many of the program’s tools will only be familiar to scientists and academics but there’s also a web browser for the direct import of NCBI and EMBL entries.

A highly complex and powerful tool that could make your DNA cloning a lot easier and cheaper than in the lab.

Serial Cloner has been developed to provide a light molecular biology software to both Macintosh and Windows users.

Serial Cloner reads and writes DNA Strider-compatible files and import and export files in the universal FASTA format (as well as in pDRAW32 format). Powerful graphical display tools and simple interfaces help the analysis and construction steps in a very intuitive way