
by Medium for Android 4.0

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A great place online for writers to meet

Given the meteoric rise and dominance of the Internet, and the important contribution it makes to so many of our lives, it’s no surprise that social media and online publishing are fast becoming the most effective ways for writers to get their content out there and seen. There are a huge range of approaches for the aspiring wordsmith to consider, from snappy social media updates right through to thriving communities for novelists.

Find your Medium

While the name perhaps conjures images of arcane old gypsy ladies staring into the distance and relaying messages from the ‘other side’, Medium is in fact based firmly around the exhortations of the living. Created by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, it is an online publishing platform, designed to encourage posts above and beyond Twitter’s 140-character limit. Writers are able to create content, using the built in editor, and this can then be recommended, shared and upvoted by other users. Within the platform you can also find and interact with various publications – for example online music and technology magazines.


Medium is an intriguing mix of blogging and social media concepts, and the project’s ambitious aims will be good news to any keen writer, blogger or journalist looking to establish new online outlets for their content.