Tender – Social Food

by Omnomicon for

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Choose tonight’s meal with Tender

Tender is a mobile recipe app that presents you with images of delicious meals and asks you to select the ones you want to add to your cookbook. Swipe right when you see the image, and the recipe will be added to your cookbook. Swipe left, and it’ll be deleted. If that sounds familiar, that’s the joke: It’s Tinder, but for food.

Tastier than it sounds

While a food dating app might sound like a strange idea, Tender is a very simple way to decide on a meal if you feel like cooking something new but aren’t sure what to have. You can filter by particular ingredients or by type of meal, and it’s easy to search your cookbook for that recipe you saw earlier but can’t remember the precise details of. The app is very simple to use, with the kind of clean, photo-album-like interface you’d expect from its namesake. Over time, the app learns from your preferences and adjusts its offerings to suit what you want to cook.

Get swiping and start cooking

If you want to cook more but struggle to decide what to make, Tender is a fun and easy way to learn about new recipes. It’s simple to use and you can integrate it with your social media feeds to see what your friends are cooking.