ARPA FVG – meteo

by ARPA FVG for Android 9.0

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ARPA FVG – meteo: Your go-to app for weather updates

ARPA FVG – meteo is a free Android app developed by ARPA FVG that provides accurate weather updates for up to 5 days. It is the official app of ARPA FVG – OSMER, making it a reliable source of information for residents and visitors in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.

One of the main features of the app is the availability of radar images from the FVG region, Slovenia, and Veneto. Additionally, the app provides satellite images, data, maps, and graphs from regional weather stations. Users can also check out webcams to get a real-time view of the weather in different parts of the region.

The app has a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need. Overall, ARPA FVG – meteo is a must-have app for anyone living in or visiting the Friuli Venezia Giulia region who wants to stay updated on the weather.