WhatsTools: Share File Via IM APK

by Four Big Brothers for Android 9.0

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WhatsTools: Share File Via IM – Review

WhatsTools is a free Android application developed by Four Big Brothers that allows users to share any type of file up to 1 GB via any instant messaging app installed on their phone. The app can be accessed by clicking on the attach button in the chat window to show the WhatsTools share menu. This app also allows users to share files with iPhone, Windows Phone, and Blackberry users. If the receiver is on another platform, the link will be opened in the browser and the user can download the file from the webpage.

WhatsTools supports file previews, uploading and downloading files can be paused and resumed, and thumbnails of videos at different durations can be previewed before downloading the actual video. The app also supports the playing of GIF and music files within the app itself and has an inbuilt video player for common video formats.

WhatsTools requires initial setup which includes enabling accessibility service and connecting to the user’s Google Drive. Sharing virus/malicious files are against the terms of service of Google Drive, and if a file is infected, the receiver won’t be able to download it.

The app is user-friendly, and all data is guarded behind HTTPS/SSL encryption. However, the app is not endorsed by or affiliated with any other instant messaging apps.