take Me there (tMt)

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Search Enhancement Tool for Google Search

tMt is a search enhancement tool for Google Search. It is designed to save you time while using Google Search.

You can search by creating a query that is the same as the one you type in the address bar of your browser. By creating the query, you’re sending the request to Google, and it returns the results in the same way you would expect from a web search. The results are sent as a list of text snippets, URLs, and more, which can be saved and easily shared through various means.

The list of text snippets provided includes the entire text and the URL of the target page, along with additional information like the country, language, etc. 

With a simple tap, you can jump directly to the results, and in some cases, directly to the target URL. This allows you to browse the results without having to move the cursor or scrolling through the page.

tMt places is an option that allows you to place a link to a specific result of your search.