احاديث الرسول كامله وتفسيرها

by Ninhfurita for Android 13.0

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Complete Hadiths with their Interpretation App Review

The Complete Hadiths with their Interpretation app by Ninhfurita is a multimedia application available for Android devices. It is a free app that falls under the Music & Radio subcategory. The app offers a complete collection of Hadith books including Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, along with their interpretation, all without the need for an internet connection. It also provides audio recitations of the most beautiful Hadiths of the Prophet, as well as an electronic rosary for remembrance of Allah.

The app is an excellent source of authentic Hadiths, which are considered the second source of Islamic legislation after the Quran. It is a rich and useful app that enables users to learn more about the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad every hour. The app is user-friendly and easy to navigate, providing necessary information for those who seek to understand the principles of faith and religious practices such as jurisprudence, prayer, and ethics.

Overall, the Complete Hadiths with their Interpretation app is a valuable resource for anyone who wishes to learn about the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. It is highly recommended for Muslims who want to deepen their knowledge of Islamic teachings and practices.