장사모 – 장경동목사와 사상을 함께하는 모임

by 주토브미디어 for Android 13.0

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장사모 – 장경동목사와 사상을 함께하는 모임

장사모 is the official application for the gathering that shares the teachings and philosophy of Reverend Jang Kyung-dong. The app aims to promote a sense of community and social responsibility among its users.

With 장사모, users can actively participate in various charitable activities. The app encourages users to pick up noticeable litter, abide by rules and regulations, and support organ donation campaigns. Additionally, users can contribute to helping their less fortunate neighbors by donating 1,000 won per month.

Through 장사모, users have the opportunity to engage with Reverend Jang Kyung-dong, seek guidance for their concerns, and collaborate on finding solutions. Users can also stay informed about upcoming events and join Reverend Jang Kyung-dong in creating a brighter future for South Korea.

Download 장사모 now and join the movement towards a better society.