Record and press keyboard repeatedly
Auto Keyboard Presser is a lightweight utility and tool software that enables you to automatically press the keyboard button that you would want to click repeatedly. Developed by Autosofted, it allows you to record your preferred keystrokes accurately afterward and them for a specified amount of times. This hugely helps you to rest your whole body from the repetitive tasks that can be automated by this program.
Use effortlessly with no installation required
This software requires little to no learning curve to utilize its functionality. It can simply be operated with just your intuition, especially if you are already familiar with how auto clicker or auto presser program works. To begin recording, you have to initially select the ‘Start or Stop’ hotkey, which will allow you to begin recording your keystrokes and save them to the application’s memory once done.
Likewise, you have to click the Play’ hotkey in order to execute the keystrokes you have captured. You can select your preferred keyboard hotkey from F1 to F12 keys as well as Numpad 0 through 9. Furthermore, you can set your recorded movements in a loop or how many times you want the keys to getting pressed. At the same time, you can also customize how long intervals you want between each keypress to have.
The program file of this utility application requires no installation on the host system. Once you’ve finished downloading it, you can immediately proceed with extracting the archive and launching the executable. With this in mind, you can handily bring it with you anywhere and remove it without leaving any trace on the PC.
Handy and efficient utility program
Auto Keyboard Presser is a very convenient app to have. It requires minimal attention and literally does all the work. Its file can easily be extracted and executed whenever and wherever you are. Although it doesn’t support storage and creation of multiple tasks nor allows you to schedule the run of recording at a specific time of a day, it is still beneficial to download.