Orlando World Outreach Church

by Subsplash Inc for Android 13.0

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Orlando World Outreach Church App Review

The Orlando World Outreach Church app, developed by Subsplash Inc, is a free Android app that allows users to access various features of the Orlando World Outreach Center. The app provides users with a convenient way to listen to sermon media, view events calendar, log their Do Something hours, and give online, all directly from their mobile device.

The app has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate through the different sections. The sermon media is well-organized and can be filtered by date, speaker, and series. The events calendar provides a list of upcoming events with the ability to add them to your personal calendar. The Do Something feature allows users to log their volunteer hours and track their progress towards their goals. Finally, the giving feature allows users to donate securely and conveniently.

Overall, the Orlando World Outreach Church app is a well-designed and useful tool for members of the Orlando World Outreach Center community. It is a great way to stay connected and engaged with the church’s activities and events.