Windows Blinds

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Free software to customize Windows desktop displays

WindowsBlinds is a free software package that allows users to customize the appearance of their Windows desktop. Not only will this application add a bit of personality to any operating system, but it can be very useful for those who are looking to streamline navigation processes. There is no charge to install this program.

Main Features and Design Options

WindowsBlinds provides all users with tailor-made design solutions based around their desires. This is primarily accomplished through the ability to select from a host of skins. However, there are many bespoke options that are not offered by other versions of this freeware. One example can be seen in the ability for the user to apply ‘force blur’ effects to various portions of a window. Taskbar sizes, refresh rates and access to other common icons such as the start button can likewise be modified. As a result, it is now possible to provide Windows with an entirely unique appearance.

Additional Tools

Users can access all design options from a centralized portal, so making individual adjustments is simple. A handful of other areas which can be addressed by WindowsBlinds include the start bar, borders, tile bars and the overall appearance of Explorer. The total size of this file is 54.3 megabytes.