Legal Forms for Android from Eliers
Legal Forms and Agreements by Eliers is a comprehensive, user-friendly, and convenient app with hundreds of legal letters and agreements, such as contracts, agreements, summons, and many other forms relating to personal or commercial affairs.
You can find all the necessary forms for your business (from basic contracts to the most complex ones) and for your family (from financial statements to separation and divorce papers), among others.
The app also includes a special section of letters and agreements to help you settle any conflict: from conflicts with your boss or coworkers to personal matters. All these documents will help you understand the consequences of each step, which means you will be less likely to make a mistake.
You can also use the app to make your life easier. You can access contracts that will protect you against personal injury or work-related injury. It also provides you with a template of contracts that will protect you in the event of a commercial dispute.