GuteBooks Free Ebooks APK

by BookDesign for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by BookDesign.

GuteBooks is the ultimate resource for classic e-books, with more than 700,000 free e-books from more than 50 genres, including classics, science fiction, fantasy, romance, adventure, horror, and more.

With a strong focus on the best and most popular titles from around the world, GuteBooks is the go-to place for anyone looking for a free book. GuteBooks is also the best source for finding the most recent releases, new and old, from some of the most popular authors in the world, including Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Victor Hugo, and many more.

As you explore the app, you will find a list of all the books that are available in the app. You can also choose to download your e-books to your device for offline reading.

GuteBooks is the ultimate resource for classic e-books.