에스원 UVIS 노선버스

by 주에스원 for Android 13.0

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에스원 UVIS 노선버스

에스원 UVIS 노선버스 is a free Android application developed by 주에스원. It falls under the category of Business & Productivity. This app provides users with essential information about bus routes and schedules.

With 에스원 UVIS 노선버스, users can easily check the current location of buses on specific routes. They can also view the bus timetables for each route and bookmark their favorite routes for quick access. Additionally, the app allows users to stay updated with important announcements related to bus services.

To ensure a smooth user experience, the app requires certain permissions. These include access to the user’s location for map viewing, read and write permissions for app-related information, and the ability to make phone calls to connect with designated personnel for assistance.

For any inquiries or further information, users can visit the 에스원 UVIS website or contact the call center at.