MTGO DeckFinder

by Gray101 for

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How Much Does It Cost to Build an MTGO Deck?

Are you a fan of Magic: The Gathering Online or MTGO? If so, you are probably wondering how much it costs to build a deck using cards from the available sets. The answer to this question is not only to find out the actual price of each card, but also to discover the possible combinations that can be used to create a winning deck. 

That’s why you should try out this simple extension. It will show you exactly how much each card costs to build a winning deck for your favorite card game. All you have to do is download it and open its options pane. Now, you just need to browse your digital collection as you usually do, but try clicking the red square on the right side of the page. That way, you will get a strike through any cards that you already own enough of to build this deck. Additionally, the card quantity and price columns will be updated to show you exactly what cards you are missing and how much it would cost to get them!