Nutrition Search

by Balcones Enterprises for

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Food Search – How to Find Nutritional Information

This is a useful tool to help you find nutritional information about your food. With the search, you can find foods in the database, so you can choose to add them to your food plan. It can also suggest new products that have not yet been added to the database. With this application you can see the nutritional information, the labels, allergens, and ingredients in detail.

There are a few points to keep in mind:

· This app needs to be updated to be more functional.

· This tool can be used to look up information about your food or the ingredient in it, but it cannot be used to search for your own products.

· The search cannot be done for raw foods or recipes.

· When looking up products, you can use a product ID, food type, or an ingredient name to search.

· You can search by any food category in the database.

· You can search by the name of the product, the ingredients in it, or the category it belongs to.