LaTeX in Slack

by Sophie Huiberts for

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LaTeX Rendering Extension for Slack Chats

This extension adds LaTeX rendering support for your Slack chats. This means that you can type out formulas and mathematical expressions directly in your text messages.

This extension makes use of KaTeX for rendering formulas. KaTeX is an open source library for rendering LaTeX documents and equations. It allows you to easily render formulas directly in your text messages.

The developers of KaTeX provide an API that can be used by the Slack extension. This API lets you configure the features of the extension. This means that you can decide how to display your formulas and equations. You can also configure the way that LaTeX is rendered. The syntax that you enter is the same that is used by LaTeX. You can choose between inline or display mode.

Inline math

By default, the rendering will be in-line. This means that the formula will be rendered as part of the text message.

Display math

This mode lets you render the LaTeX formula in a separate window. This means that you need to open the LaTeX formula in a separate window in order for it to work.

Alternative way of rendering LaTeX

By default, the extension will use the LaTeX rendering library. If you want to use a different library for rendering, you can change it in the options. In that case, the syntax that you enter is the one that is used by the library that you are using.