
by South River Technologies for Windows 8.1

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Mount an FTP server as a local device

Imagine if you could mount an FTP server on your desktop so you could access it like any other local drive.

You can with WebDrive which integrates SFTP, WebDAV, FTP, FTPS, or GroupDrive servers into Windows Explorer by simply mounting the server as a local device. This allows you much easier access to an FTP site than having to go via an FTP client all the time. It doesn’t mean you lose out on security either as WebDrive supports SSL and SSH encryption and Digest Authentication support for WebDAV servers.

The setup process is very simple even for those unfamiliar with FTP clients. Just enter the name you want to assign to the drive, a username and password, a Host Name and IP address and the Initial Remote Directory. Once you’re ready to connect, just click on the Site Profile you’ve created and click Mount. If WebDrive is able to connect, it will display the name of the serve in Finder like any other local drive.

Accessing an FTP server via Windows Explorer is so much more convenient that having to resort to an FTP client and it’s particularly ideal for those that are unfamiliar with how such clients work.

If you want easier access to your FTP server, WebDrive is ideal for FTP beginners.

# Fixed: keyboard-interactive authentication was not being honored# Updated: New version of SFTP Engine.# Updated: New version of WebDAV Engine


  • # Fixed: keyboard-interactive authentication was not being honored# Updated: New version of SFTP Engine.# Updated: New version of WebDAV Engine

WebDrive provides FTP client capabilities without running a separate FTP software application.

WebDrive is more than an FTP Client. By connecting to WebDAV, FTP, or SFTP servers through a virtual drive, files are transferred by simply saving them to a drive letter. There’s no need to run a separate FTP client interface. Unlike typical FTP clients, WebDrive lets you open and edit server based files without the additional download step.

WebDrive has built-in support for the industry standard SSL protocol. When used in conjunction with secure WebDAV, FTP or SFTP servers, WebDrive will open an encrypted tunnel between the client computer and the remote server; giving you secure transmission of critical data over the Internet. WebDrive can even be used as an alternative to a corporate VPN. Install the WebDrive client, and an SSL enabled server, and WebDrive can act as the VPN for your company, an efficient alternative to an expensive VPN or non-secure FTP client connections.
