Walmart Beta

by Walmart for Android 9.0

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Walmart Beta: The App for Faster and Easier Shopping

Walmart Beta is the latest app for Android that aims to make shopping faster and easier for users. Developed by Walmart, this free app is designed to help you save time and money while shopping. To try it out, simply install the beta app alongside your current Walmart app and explore the new features.

One of the most exciting features of Walmart Beta is the Personalized Cart. This feature offers customized shopping lists based on your past purchases, making it easy to reorder your go-to items with just a few taps. The Buy Now feature also allows for a quick checkout process with just two taps, perfect for busy individuals.

The app also boasts a Streamlined Search function, allowing users to find items available at their local Walmart store and all in one place. The Combined Checkout feature allows for a single cart and checkout process, saving time and effort. Additionally, for those in a rush, Speedy Pickup and Delivery allows for orders to be delivered in less than three hours.

Walmart Beta has more features in the works, such as Digital Store Services, including a store assistant. Overall, Walmart Beta is a promising app that offers users a faster and easier shopping experience.