Testing Reading Speed

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Learn to Speed Read With the Speed Reading App

This app for Chrome is a fast reading tool that will help you improve your reading speed. The app allows you to read at double or triple your normal reading speed. You can train yourself to read faster once you download the speed reading app.

It is impossible to speed up this process, but we developed a system to eliminate the subvocalization. The subvocalization occurs when we speak to ourselves or to other people while we are reading.

The way we prevent subvocalization is by showing you a word for a very short time, which you then have to read aloud in your head. Then we will show you the words that follow in succession. If you make a mistake, you will have to go back to the previous word and read it again. This allows you to focus more on the reading.

Our software allows you to set the reading speed in a range from 200 words per minute to 1,000 words per minute. You will read faster than before and eliminate the subvocalization. You can easily learn to speed read once you download the speed reading app.