BSign PDF Digital Signature

by Benzveen for Android 9.0

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BSign PDF Digital Signature: Sign PDFs with ease

BSign PDF Digital Signature is an Android application developed by Benzveen that allows you to sign PDF documents using your handwritten signature or image. The app is a great tool for those who need to sign and send any document quickly and easily.

With BSign, you can sign and send any document in just three steps. First, select a PDF document from your device storage, mailbox, or Google Drive. Second, sign the document using your signature and digital certificate. You can create a self-signed certificate by following the link provided in the app. Finally, save the signed document and send it to whoever you wish.

Overall, BSign PDF Digital Signature is a useful tool for anyone who needs to sign and send PDF documents on the go. The app’s simple and intuitive interface makes it easy to use, and its ability to sign documents using your handwritten signature or image adds a personal touch to your documents.