A free app for Android, by Travelzoo Inc..
Travelzoo is a trusted destination for the latest travel deals and discounts.
Our team works around the clock to find the best and most exciting travel deals every day.
Travelzoo makes it easy for you to browse, compare and pick the deals that work best for you.
You can easily browse the latest deals from our comprehensive list of travel categories:
Travel Deals: book cheap flights, hotels and cruises, and stay in luxury hotels around the world.
Dining Deals: find the best restaurants, win free tickets and make reservations.
Spa Deals: discover the best spa treatments, book a session and enjoy discounts on top of the price.
Join 27 million people worldwide and discover the latest Travel, Entertainment and Local Deals.
Travelzoo’s global team of Deal Experts scours the market every day for the most outstanding deals and recommend only the best. Now, the free Android app makes it easy to find and take advantage of great deals!
With the FREE Travelzoo® Android app you can:
-Find high-quality travel, entertainment, dining and spa deals.
-Book a hotel or purchase Local Deals fast and securely in under four taps.
-Browse the definitive list of the week’s most amazing deals with the Top 20®.
-Easily access My Vouchers to view and redeem vouchers directly from your phone.
-Quickly tab between the Top 20®, Local Deals, Travel Deals and Hotels to discover deals.
-Effortlessly find the most important information when booking and purchasing a deal with a beautiful details screen: gorgeous photos, deal highlights, instructions to book and source of deal.
-Search for hotels that are available for your specific travel dates.
-View deals in your current location or nearby sorted by proximity (handy to look for immediate getaways in your
traveling area).
-Map deals based on location, right on the details screen of each deal – one of the most requested features from our subscribers.