Learn To Read The Quran APK

by Easy Arabic for Android 9.0

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A free program for Android, by Easy Arabic.

In the world of technology, it has become very easy to learn a new language. With the rise of smart phones and tablets, the world is no longer a barrier for those who want to learn a new language. Now, you can learn a language at any time and place. The only requirement is a smart device with an internet connection. That’s it! But, if you want to learn how to read the Quran, you will need more than that.

You will need to go through a process to learn how to read the Quran. The first thing you need to know is that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) as a book of guidance and wisdom. As you read the Quran, you will understand how God created the world, how He created mankind, and the various attributes that He bestowed on mankind.